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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, 09/02/2009
Minutes of Meeting – September 2, 2009; meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  
Present:  L Messana; KR Flynn; RN Sandlin; J McNinch; D Trancynger.
MOTION by KRF, seconded by RNS to accept the Minutes and Executive Minutes of August 19 as presented.  5/0 vote.  As a side note, LM mentioned that the Board held a retreat from 9:30-3:30 today, and that much was accomplished.

Chris O’Brien, chairman of the 100th Anniversary celebrations for the Fire Company, appeared before the Board to give them an update on the planned activities.  The Dinner and Ball will be held at Eastover on Saturday, 9/12 from 6pm-1am.  The parade will be held on Sunday, 9/27 at 1pm.  It will begin at Church on the Hill, proceed down Main Street onto Walker Street and continue onto Kemble Street, ending at Shakespeare & Co. where various apparatus will be on display.  CTSB will be filming the parade.  MOTION by RNS, seconded by DT to grant permission for a temporary banner advertising the parade to be hung from the Fire House from 9/14-28.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by DT, seconded by KRF to grant a one-day A/A license to Berkshire Grown for Monday, 9/21 from 6-8:30pm at Eastover Resort.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by RNS, seconded by KRF to grant permission for the 4th annual Brock Trot scheduled for Sunday, October 25, including the closing of the pertinent roadways and the hanging of temporary banners.  5/0 vote.

JM offered to recuse himself from this portion of the meeting since he owns a restaurant in Town.  Sylvain Noel felt that it was fine for him to stay, and appeared before the Board regarding complaints received by the Board regarding his establishment, The Garage.  The Board stressed the importance of being in full compliance with the rules and regulations regarding their liquor license.  The Board reiterated that 12:30 is last call, at 1:00 all alcohol needs to be removed from the tables and that everyone needs to be gone by 1:30am.  They reminded him that he needs to be aware of his occupancy numbers and not go over them.  Finally, they stated that should issues continue to occur, they will have no option but to bring him back in and possibly rescind his license.

MOTION by RNS, seconded by DT to award a contract to Weston and Sampson in the amount of $29,800 for a proposal to develop preliminary plans and cost estimates for a new water interconnection with the Town of Stockbridge and to authorize the TM to sign same.  5/0 vote.

Church Street Update:  A construction schedule has been posted on the Town’s web site.  Lights are not expected until late October.  Work will not take place during the Tub Parade or during Apple Squeeze weekend.  We will continue to post updated information and work schedules on the Town’s web site.  In addition, Foresight Land Services is working on preliminary plans for Phase II which will be presented at a public meeting within the next few weeks, followed by a site walk.  Notices will be mailed out to property owners and businesses.  This phase of the work should be completed by the end of November.  Jim Lucie asked several questions of the Board; he also requested that when the crews leave on Fridays that they remove their equipment to another site.  Lynn West questioned if someone would be available to direct people to the different businesses when the roadway is closed.  The Board stated that someone would be present to assist.  She also questioned that with the wider sidewalks if landscaping would be subject to HDC approval.  Board to look into it.  And finally, Kerry Wright suggested that a new sign stating “All Businesses Will Remain Open” be installed.  The Board agreed.

MOTION by JM, seconded by KRF to set a date of Thursday, October 15 for a Special Town Meeting.  5/0 vote.  They will hold a public meeting on 9/16 to discuss the possible percentage increase to the rooms tax.

Old/New Business:  None.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Assistant to Town Manager                              Board of Selectmen

Mary Ellen Deming
Town of Lenox
Town Hall - 6 Walker Street
Lenox, MA  01240
phone: (413) 637-5500
fax:      (413) 637-5518